Sunday, September 21, 2014

You know how it feels, don't you?

You know how it feels, don't you,
To be hurt, to be neglected,
To be left, to be forgotten. 

You know how it feels, don't you,
When the one who used to love you,
Who used to be by your side,
Who used to wipe your tears,
Now makes you feel invisible.

You know how it feels, don't you,
When you listen, but nobody's talking,
When you see, but nobody's looking,
When you feel, but nobody's touching,
It is only you, and your memories.

You know how it feels, don't you,
Then why did you do this to me?
You know how it feels, don't you,
Then why do you let me stay here?

LunaLittleFairy, 2014


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